What is remedy testing?
Remedy testing is a non-invasive hair and saliva test based on the proven science of bioresonance. This testing allows you to discover your level of wellness through comprehensive bioenergetic hair and saliva analysis. Bioenergetic testing can help to identify resonating stresses to the different systems of the body in relation to imbalances in organs, nutrition, food sensitivities, emotions, toxins, hormone imbalances, and more. There is a lot of information stored in our cells and just about everything we come into contact with daily is stored within the cells of our body. Hair follicles grow from blood vessels that contain information from up to six years past, and this hair holds your bioenergetic patterns. The informational patterns the hair holds can include resonating toxins, nutrients, and cellular stress throughout the body. Since every person has a different makeup and lives in a different environment, each hair sample is unique to the individual. In simplistic terms, bioenergetic testing is a way to find out which factors are stressing your body and which systems are most affected.