The Truth about energy
There is a new topic that people have been talking about lately and depending on who you’re talking to, they are describing the same thing. That word is “energy” and if you asked a millennial, they might use the word “vibe”.
But what does this mean? It doesn’t exactly describe if someone is hyper or depleted, but it is an unspoken way they affect those around them. What we are sensing is something completely invisible yet very impactful. This energy is so palpable that oftentimes we can sense that a fight has just occurred in a room that we enter, even when it is unspoken.
The concept of energy actually stems from the very robust topic of quantum physics, which is the study of matter and energy at its most fundamental level. According to Albert Einstein, “ Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.” Today, scientists are recognizing that everything in the universe is made out of energy, including humans. They have found that everything has its own unique energetic signature, therefore differentiating it from other objects. This means that our physical bodies are also energy at its core.
In fact, our bodies don’t end at the level of the skin, but extend past our physical bodies by four or sometimes six feet called the human energy field. The human energy field has five layers where information and energy interact and communicate. The first layer is the physical layer made up of flesh, skin, bones, and organs. This layer is what conventional health care has taught us to focus on due to symptoms and disease. The physical part of us vibrates at a much slower rate than the other layers of our human energy field. The second layer, the etheric layer can also be thought of as the energy body is considered to be the energetic blueprint of the physical body. This means that each bone, organ, nerve and cell hold a specific frequency to function properly. Disharmony in this layer results in disease in the physical body. The third layer is the emotional layer where emotions, feelings, and fears live. What we consistently feel gets stuck or locked into this layer and becomes an emotional pattern and habit, which begins to be expressed as our personality. This affects how we interact and relate with others and our environment. The fourth layer of our human energy field is the mental energy layer where our belief systems, personal truths, and views of our experience reside. This layer is where we sort out our thoughts, assimilate and pit new thoughts against our personal truths and paradigm. The last layer is the spiritual layer where our consciousness and higher awareness settles. This layer is what connects us to universal consciousness and we feel a sense of belonging to something greater than ourselves.
The flow of information between these layers is vital to us living a truly fulfilled life. Throughout life, we can experience a block in the flow of energy from experiencing trauma, being chronically stressed, not being able to express ourselves fully or constant feelings of worry, fear and other negative emotions. When we experience these events in our lives and not fully heal from them, the results can greatly affect us at a very physiological level and even cause our energetic field to shrink.